Teaching and Learning Resources

The Ag Science Teacher

Helping students and teachers with Agricultural Science. 

Our Resources

A collection of resources aimed to assist both students and teachers.

Teacher Resources

A selection of resources to aid in the teaching of Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science

Student Resources

A selection of resources to Help students with their LC Ag Science Studies

Revision Recording

Receive your booklet and resources and watch your grind at a time that suits you.


Test your knowledge with Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science Quizzes

The Tuition Centre

Weekly Online Ag. Science Grinds

I am delighted to be partnering with The Tuition Centre to offer weekly online Ag. Science grinds  for 5th Years and 6th Years. 

Let's Get The H1 in Ag Science!

Offering resources for both teachers and students to help them excel.


All of the latest news and information regarding LC Ag Science


Need a little extra help? Contact me and we can arrange a grind.


Have a question? Need support? Contact me and I will try to help!

What Our Students Say

Hey just want to say thanks so much for all the effort you pu into your Instagram I got a h1 and I found the interactive quizzes a great change of pace when studying and they were handy when on the go
Your note helped me tremendously I managed to pull a H3 off for my exam and I got a H5 in my mock exam.
Nadine Berger
Just want to say this page was so helpful, I went from barely passing and setting myself a goal for atleasst 40% to getting an O3 thank you so much
Robert Berger
Thank you all your help definitely couldn't of got through the Leaving Cert without you! Thank you!